Use Fabric Notebook to monitor Power BI semantic models

If you are starting to enjoy using Microsoft Fabric more, especially the exciting new Direct Lake storage mode, you may find this simple tip useful to help monitor your semantic models. The idea behind this tip is to run a DMV (can be any DMV) on a regular basis against a semantic-model and accumulate results Continue reading Use Fabric Notebook to monitor Power BI semantic models

Create charts using Vega in Microsoft Fabric Notebook

I recently needed to generate a quick visual inside a Microsoft Fabric notebook. After a little internet searching, I found there are many good quality charting libraries in Python, however it was going to take too long to figure out how to create a very specific type of chart. This is where Vega came to Continue reading Create charts using Vega in Microsoft Fabric Notebook

Visualize Power BI Refresh using Semantic-link

A few blogs back I shared a technique using Power BI Profiler (or VS Code) to run and capture a trace over a refresh of a Power BI semantic model (the object formally known as a dataset). I’ve since received a lot of positive feedback from people saying how useful it was to visualize each Continue reading Visualize Power BI Refresh using Semantic-link